Friday, December 10, 2010

The world of politics

No, I'm not in politics. Not yet anyhow. Yet this 4-day session at the Menjana Kuasa Wanita (EMPOWER) seminar is threatening to drag me into uncharted waters.

Shall I test waters first...or just dive in the deep, hopefully to come afloat and teach more people to swim? Only time shall tell...

But it has been an interesting two days- so far. The crowd consists of women who are keen to dabble in politics. Yes, the idea is to train enough women who are keen to enter politics and make a difference in the lives of others.

Some are already local councillors; others are actively involved in their own political parties; still others are just trying it out for size. What's obvious is this is a selection process. Afterall, it takes a woman of substance to endure the cruelties of political life. The country, the people need leaders who can stand up to those challenges, without crumbling under the tremendous emotional and societal pressures.

One thing I must say- women in politics (or wannabes) seem to have some things in common: they're loud, highly-charged, often angry. Angry in the good way though. Afterall, how can anything be done without having enough fire in the belly?

So yes, there has been a lot of disagreements (beautifully masked as constructive debate), creative ideas, learning, sharing and more. Anfd lots of noise, noise and more noise. Enough to last me for the rest of the year, thank you.

But more later. Let's talk about our imaginary country's Mission and Vision first...

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